It really was an accident. I didn't mean to have baby rabbits. But of all the accidents you could have in your life, this is probably one of the better things to happen! Bob and Becky had babies- 8 of them.
Yes, I know...if you put a boy bunny with a girl bunny, pretty soon you'll have baby bunnies. I know that. I just didn't really how FAST it would happen!
Take a look at the updates to watch them grow.
Yes, I know...if you put a boy bunny with a girl bunny, pretty soon you'll have baby bunnies. I know that. I just didn't really how FAST it would happen!
Take a look at the updates to watch them grow.
April 3 - 4 Days Old - Hairless Gargoyles
The baby rabbits were born on March 30, 2018. The two pictures above were taken on April 3rd, when they were 4 days old. 4 day old rabbits are not very pretty. They don't have much hair, and their eyes are closed. They move like gargoyles.
The rabbit mother has her babies in a 'nest'. It is a lot like a birds nest, but for rabbits. We gave her a box, and lots of hay, she did the rest. She put the hay in the box and made a little indentation. Then she filled that with her own fur. A rabbit-fur lined nest. This was sooo nice and comfortable looking!
We had rabbit friends come over who are experts with baby rabbits. They told us, "You need to hold them every day, take them out and hold them so they get used to people." After that, we played with them every chance we got. (As long as we could keep them warm!)
The rabbit mother has her babies in a 'nest'. It is a lot like a birds nest, but for rabbits. We gave her a box, and lots of hay, she did the rest. She put the hay in the box and made a little indentation. Then she filled that with her own fur. A rabbit-fur lined nest. This was sooo nice and comfortable looking!
We had rabbit friends come over who are experts with baby rabbits. They told us, "You need to hold them every day, take them out and hold them so they get used to people." After that, we played with them every chance we got. (As long as we could keep them warm!)
April 9 - 10 Days old - Big ball of fuzzy bunnies
We checked on the bunnies every day- anxious to see what changed every day. And by April 9th, when they were 10 days old, they were fuzzy, and the cute little bunnies you would expect!
They still had their eyes closed, but they are very, very cute.
They still had their eyes closed, but they are very, very cute.
April 13 - 14 Days Old - A box full of Chocolates, and Lilac, and Blue..
People are starting to decide which ones are their favorite. A lot of people do like the dark brown. But the tan is popular, and the blue...and the mixed. Every single one is someone's favorite, and it switches all the time!
April 14 - 15 Days old - On an Adventure
We took the bunnies out and put them all on the grass. I was a bit surprised again...because it didn't take long for the bunnies to realize they could hop, and run, and jump! 8 bunnies went off in 8 different directions!
But my bunny wrangler helped out and made sure we had all the rabbits. We counted to 8 over, and over and over again. And the bunnies never stopped moving.
This bunny went off for an adventure in the woods.
When I tried to catch him, he turned and ran...but not too far! They are still not sure of where they are going, so they are slow.
Mom comes over to visit when we have her babies out. She is always interested, and really gentle. But if she stays too long, all the babies try to nurse, so she hops away to relax on the grass- away from her kids.
Dad comes over too. He gets closer and stays longer. They try to nurse on him too...silly bunnies!
April 16 - 17 Days Old - Comfortable Sweater
Today I brought them inside the house for the first time. They all loved this red sweater as much as I do.
This guy is named Knuckles. He is a steel blue color- completely solid, even inside his ears. From what I've seen he isn't the smartest bunny in the bunch- but he sure is beautiful!
He has a wider muzzle than the other rabbits.
He has a wider muzzle than the other rabbits.
This guy looks like a squirrel, or a chipmunk. Maybe we'll name him Chip. I really like this guy, but I worry about him getting lost in the yard. Or even of our darn cats thinking he's a squirrel they should chase.
The ears are up! So nice, and so bunny-like!
And their fur is so, so soft.
April 18 - 19 Days Old - New Foods
We're taking the babies out whenever we can. They still spend most of their time in their box- snuggled together and sleeping. but they get out more, and stay out longer. But after about 15 minutes of running and jumping, they are tired. They'll all huddle together and fall asleep.
I am introducing more foods. The grass they are on is brand new- and easy for them to eat. The strawberry was not popular.
But today I gave them a bowl of water, and a bowl of pellets. I'm hoping we can start to wean them off of Becky's milk. That girl is tired!
I am introducing more foods. The grass they are on is brand new- and easy for them to eat. The strawberry was not popular.
But today I gave them a bowl of water, and a bowl of pellets. I'm hoping we can start to wean them off of Becky's milk. That girl is tired!
April 21 - 22 Days Old - Family Picnic
"Okay children, please listen. I need to tell you about all the vegetables that you will eat!"
Yeah! You kids listen up! This is serious now! If you ever want to be big like me, you better listen!
Hey! You kids better get back here! Don't make me run after you!
Bob, they aren't coming back, are you going to chase after them?
Well, I would...but I'm hungry, and look at all this food! These carrots won't eat themselves!
Run? I don't think I've seen Bob run in quite a long time.
Nope, this class about healthy eating was more for Bob than it was the kids.
Nope, this class about healthy eating was more for Bob than it was the kids.
Rabbits need to know who their friends are.